A Devotional Tribute by Dr. Arup Mitra

I shall never be indigent again in worship for Thee

-Dr. Arup Mitra, acclaimed scientist and spiritualism scholar

I shall never desire, and I shall
never be engrossed in worship for Thee,
Throughout my life in in vain love
for Thee, in my declined health and torn
flowers of worship, I cannot be indigent
again of adoration for Thee,
On Thy Divine statue and emblem, I can no
longer be indigent for garlanding
with flowers,
In many years in flowers of mine sacrifice
of all worldly desires,
Thou hast declined mine
adoration and worship,
Wipe out mine all indigence to be
devoted towards worship for Thee,
In many many rebirths when my in vain
efforts will not be accepted by Thee,
I shall then be
inclined to fulfill one very sacred desire,
Make worthy my soul to be Thy
free Disciple through Transcendental
meditation forever, forever and forever.

The Philosophy:-
This is the English translation of the Bengali song. The song is addressed to a Divine and Sublime Soul, Thy Soul is much more superior than mine. Therefore at this stage I have no right to worship Thee either through rituals or intrinsically through mine Soul. This is an inner realization after my in vain efforts to worship Thee throughout my life. Towards the end of my life in mine declined health and torn flowers of worship, I cannot be indigent (desirous) again of mine adoration for Thee. On Thy Divine statue I can no longer desire for garlanding with flowers.
In many years in flowers of mine sacrifice of all worldly desires, Thou hast declined mine adoration and worship. In many many rebirths when mine in vain efforts will not be accepted by Thee, I shall then be inclined to fulfill one very sacred desire, make worthy my soul to be Thy true Disciple through Transcendental meditation forever, and forever, and forever.


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