'Harappa Trilogy' by Shankar N. Kashyap

 Most of the readers had often looked at Harappa as one of the names which kept appearing in the pages of history book but never really had been talked about from a fiction standpoint. The veteran UK based Indian novelist Shankar N. Kashyap took it on himself to come up with a really refreshing take on Harappa through periodic story-line against a lost world. It is an honour to experience the neat story-line which spreads across three sub titles. Each chapter unveils a unique side of Indian past which ultimately builds the stage for the climax. Other than the content of writing, the cover page also deserves a special mention for the unconventional depiction of history based fiction genre. 
From a reader’s stance the way faith had been depicted throughout is the marque concept that forces you to think that faith in reality is beyond any religion and it has a driving power of its own. There are several other such take-aways which the series offers to its readers. It is up to the audience to decide and choose the ones they want to retain.

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