Seminar on Entrepreneurship

   Terapanth Professional Forum – South Howrah Branch organized an informative seminar on 29th Feb at Bhikshu Granthagar at Kolkata Sabha.   'Hello Kolkata' was Media Partner of the program.            
   The focal topic of the seminar was “How Can I be a Successful Professional Entrepreneur”. Mr Mukesh Bengani started the program with the chanting of 'Namaskar Mahamantra'. President of the Branch Mr Birendra Sethia welcomed all the esteemed dignitaries like President and Secretary of Kolkata branch, South Kolkata branch, TYP South Howrah branch, Secretary of Kolkata Sabha & others. There were also about 70 other professionals.
  The Guest of Honour and immediate National Past President of Terapanth Professional Forum, Mr Prakash Maloo gave his lecture on the subject. 
   The Branch Secretary Mr Vikram Bhandari introduced the Chief Guest and Founder Chairman of, Mr B L Mittal. Mr B L Mittal gave his lecture and told how success can be achieved even without compromising with one’s core values. He told that if one’s will power is strong and one has the passion to do something, then no one in the world can stop him from being successful. His speech was very inspirational for all. 
   Another Guest of Honour and Founder National President of Terapanth Professional Forum, Dr. Narendra Shyamsukha gave a very motivational speech.  Terapanth Professional Forum’s East Zone Secretary Mr Vikram Chandalia also submitted his thoughts on the subject. The Chief Guest was honoured and presented with a memento.
     The open forum also witnessed a frank Q&A session.
     Vote of Thanks was given by Branch VP Mr. Ashok Sipani. 
     The program was very well hosted by Ms Pooja Bothra, Joint Secretary of the branch. The concept of the program was appreciated by all. 


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