MTV urges Women to take Tough Stand on Strap Shaming

   Women maybe are shining in almost all arena of life but instead of their zooming career graphs, they are still being derided for their occasional peeking bra straps. While the society has come a long way in working towards creating an equitable society for women, even today when a bra strap peeks, public shaming and judgemental eye rolls, take over. This Women’s Day, MTV, India’s No 1 Youth Brand gives a twist to such strap shaming with a unique effort – 'Baar Bra Dekho'.

   Baar Bra Dekho aims to normalize conversations around strap shaming. And none other than the vivacious and young Bollywood actor Radhika Madan has come on board to lead this initiative and raise a voice against such shaming.
   The initiative gives a shout-out to women to be themselves in bold bra straps that asks creepy on-lookers to mind their business and stay away. To mark the occasion of Women’s Day, Radhika holds the baton high, advocating the idea of women wearing their opinions on their sleeves... Straps to be specific... And not get bothered by naysayers. 


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