Skill Development Training Program on Analytical Techniques and Instrumentation for Water Quality Assessment

CSIR-CMERI, Durgapur organized a Two-Day Skill Development Training Program on Analytical Techniques and Instrumentation for Water Quality Assessment on 5th-6th March, 2020. The program was inaugurated by Prof.(Dr.) Harish Hirani, Director, CSIR-CMERI, Durgapur, the Chief Guest Shri Tarak Nath Chandra, Deputy SDO, Durgapur and Guest of Honor Shri Soumitra Ganguly, Superintendent Engineer , PHED, Govt. of West Bengal. The Skill Development Program is aimed towards helping the students understand impact of Water Quality Parameters on Health and how to leverage technology to reduce negative impacts of polluted water as well as hands-on training sessions for the students. The program was attended by 34 students from various colleges/educational institutions across the country.

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