Missing the Wood for the Trees

Lakshmi Gopalkrishnan, eminent Psycho-Analyst, President of Sanskaar Club and Life Member of Alliance Club International had held a panel discussion recently. She stated that the newly announced  education policy is bringing in radical changes but what good will it create if it fails to achieve the basic idea of education. She remarked that revamping the system, tweaking rules, etc. cannot hide the fact that what basically ails the system is a lack of good teachers.  
     She pointed out a case where a primary teacher failed to spell or write the names of the months correctly. She stated that every village has a school only in name but more often than not it consists of just one room with one teacher. The focus should be on imparting good, quality education. It is primary education that is most important. A law must be brought in to make school attendance compulsory for all. 
     As an experienced educational consultant, Lakshmi-ji stated that the style of teaching students in their mother tongue is laughable unless you have the necessary books and teachers. Rather you must learn English from the primary classes, as India has higher education books in English language only.
    Lakshmi Gopalkrishnan urged authorities to pump in more money into the system, train teachers especially at the ground level, offer attractive salaries as well as other benefits,  build proper schools, etc. She hoped in this way the benefits will start to show in a decade.

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