In the Mirror

Hi, everyone!!! This is Parul Sehgal Gulati.
Today I will narrate a story of a simple girl who enjoys every moment of her life. 
Academically, she is B. Com (H), CU and also did Secretarial Diploma Course from Bhartiya Vidhya Bhawan.
She is a home-maker, a model, a runner, a celebrity.......  
And the CROWN WINNER:-MRS FABULOUS 2018 at Mrs. India Universe 2018.
Yessssss!!!- That's me!!!
Years ago, I was very shy, a less talkative girl. But from my childhood days, I wished and dreamt to become Miss India and always try to walk like a model.. 
In college days, I participated in dance and fashion shows, love to pose for the camera and feel like a star myself.
I took part in Miss Calcutta and got 5th position. 
After I got married to Rakesh Gulati, life has totally changed. My in-laws love me a lot and also support all my endeavour. i have been working diligently to realise my ambition for modeling and making a name in entertainment industry.
Since last 8 years, I did several high-profile shows, like Pantaloons Fashion Show, Red FM LIVE Coffee with RJ Vineet, MasterChef 2 Kolkata audition, etc.
In 2016, I started my own business - Payel Kreations. 
Misfortune struck in November 2016 as I suffered from a type of paralysis. I was hospitalised and lost much weight and energy but I did not lose heart. Slowly I recovered and my mental strength, perseverance and hard work took me to the Finale of Mrs India Universe 2018 within 2 years of my acute illness. I became Mrs. Fabulous 2018, competing with the very best of participants.
In 2019, I joined North Kolkata Runners group to be fit and strong, under the guidance of  coach Souvik Aich. 
I am attached with various social service work, doing meaningful projects with NGOs. 
It feels really good when you are recognized as a Celebrity and being felicitated on numerous occasions from top-level organizations,  including from Punjabi Biradree of Kolkata. I feel proud to declare that I am the Brand Ambassador of Sakhi Sang NGO, Hair for Hope India, etc..
Recently I worked as an Assistant State Director of Rubaru Mr & Miss Junior India 2019 and Rubaru Mrs. India 2019. 
I am also a Senior Groomer and Mentor of various pageants including 'Hello Kolkata STYLE ICON'. 
Such has been my story so far!!! Hope to add many more chapters...............

"Be POSITIVE in life. Do your utmost and hope for the best....." - Parul Sehgal Gulati


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