Union Government to Provide Rs 150 Crore for Expansion of NILD

The Union Minister of Social Justice & Empowerment Dr Thawar Chand Gehlot has disclosed that the Union Government headed by Shri Narendra Modi will be providing National Institute for Locomotor Disabilities (NILD) Rs 150 crore for its expansion.
Shri Gehlot said the persons with disabilities have been given a new nomenclature by Prime Minister-Divyangjan, and they are an integral part of the country. He pointed out that without their development; the development of the country remains half-hearted. The Minister also stated that the President will visit NILD tomorrow, to see the inmates of the Institute, specially the children who have received benefits from the institute as well as those people with disabilities who have received the help from NILD to be self-employed. The institute help the persons with disabilities to be self-sufficient in all respects, the minister reiterated. Last year nearly 28, 000 people have been made self-sufficient by this institute, by giving special training informed the minister.
The President will inaugurate a special rickshaw designed for the divyangjans who visit the institute for treatment. He will be in NILD for nearly one hour, stated the minister.

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